e diel, 14 qershor 2009

Taylor just took the Do You Believe In Survey

Astrology : yea
Abortion : NO NO NO!!!!! BAD!!!!!
Gay marrige : not really it's weird

Click here to read all of their answers...
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
um. i disapprove.
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
are you serious Taylor? like, are you honestly kidding me right now about gay marriage?

I don't think I can talk to you anymore. like, ever.

Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
I highly disapprove.
Jonah Ongman
Jonah Ongman
why do u HIGHLY dissaprove???jw
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
because she thinks gay marriage is "weird". like, so what if two guys want to get married? I don't think she, or anyone else who thinks the same, has any right to judge on that.
just sayin'.
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
it's just like, can you help who you have a crush on? like can you control the fact that you only like brunettes or people with blue eyes or girls or guys? whatever. the abortion thing made me upset too, but i don't feel like getting into that with a bunch of 13 year olds.
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
wait, I just registered the fact she DOESN'T like abortion.

okay. what.
you're killing me here, Taylor.
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
killing you like you KILL BABIEZ AMIRITE
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
touching on that, it's not like I LIKE abortion; I mean, yeah you're basically ending a life right there. but I think you should decide whether or not you want to have a child.
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
beaubeau, you can't end a life before it exists. that's not how things work.

p.s. hitler's mother got talked out of getting an abortion
p.p.s. legal abortion led to a rapid decline in crime rates 20 years after roe v. wade cause there were less kids being born to impoverished mothers
p.p.p.s. nothing worse than letting a child be born into a world that didn't want it in the first place
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
een-tay, I understand where you're coming from.

ps. I'm glad, or else I would never have existed
pps. you know I'm all for that my main man
ppps. that's EXACTLY what I was thinking. I think it's better that it not have to be put through potential domestic violence due to the mother not even wanting it. ... Leer más
pppps. so we're definitely bashing Taylor's life completely. sibling bash-fest?
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
yeah legit maybe we should stop.
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
I guess. we pretty much made our point anyway.

so, in the end Taylor Matl, that's how it be. you keep on thinkin' what you want, but I'm just going to have to strongly disagree.
Taylor Matl
Taylor Matl
i could care less if u disagree because it's my opinion 2 think that a gay marriage is weird and that getting an abortion is wrong and u have NO right 2 tell me that i have no right 2 my own opinion and you can't criticize me on what i believe is right and wrong. i'm not saying that if one of my friends has a gay marriage that i won't support them ... Leer másbecause their doing something that i think is weird i'll still be there 4 them because they are my friend and i don't do that 2 friends. if one of my friends had an abortion because of critical reasons then i would be ok with it. AND WHEN MY FRIENDS HAVE OPINIONS ABOUT THINGS I DON'T QUESTION WHY THEY THINK THAT BECAUSE I KNOW THAT THEY HAVE AN OPINION THAT MIGHT BE DIFFERENT FROM MINE AND I DON'T CARE IF IT'S DIFFERENT!
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
yeah but i just want to know why either of those things are "weird" or "bad"
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
okay, you said you don't care if it's different, but yet you're yelling at me...?

anyway, I understand that you have your own opinion. and I don't, not even remotely, agree with that opinion.

so... again, I was just sayin' that stuff 'cuz I myself don't think you should frown upon other peoples' decisions; such as if they're a guy who wants to get married to another guy. ... Leer más

I don't see why you should say it's "weird"; that's just like saying an African American and a Caucasian getting married would be weird, or something.
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
so basically, all in all, I think you're just being ignorant.

that's it.
Taylor Matl
Taylor Matl
i'm not frowning upon it i'm saying that it's something that i think is different and i'm not the only person in the world who thinks this way and i think it's a little unfair 4 you 2 be telling just me this i'm only small part of this world and it's just not fair for you to be doing this to me.

i think a gay marriage i weird because i think it is why question someone's opinion when you don't even know them.

and now i'm frickin done trying to make you understand my thoughts and i'm just done
Jonah Ongman
Jonah Ongman
wow,this is a very intense comment list
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
Isabeau Belisle Dempsey
@ Taylor: yeah, I know there are a lot of other people who think that, and you're not the only one who is being ignorant, so are they. it just makes me mad that you should call it 'weird'. don't yell at me as if I'm being single-minded.

@ Jonah: lawl yup
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
"because i think it is" is the most cop out answer possible. is it religion? do you think it's gross? what is it that could possibly compel a person to find love weird?
Taylor Matl
Taylor Matl
i never said that i found love weird ok. now drop the fuckin subject because u keep pissing me off because u keep twisting my words and r just being mo fos because u won't stop
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
Ianthe Marie Belisle Dempsey
I wish you had offered any words to twist.

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